Dapatkah seseorang memperbaiki Boeing?

Boeing have to be customer-focused and quality-focused, and that’s really where they lost their way over the years.”

Ortberg’s plan to restore Boeing to its former glory involves a combination of strategic initiatives, including investing in research and development, improving quality control and manufacturing processes, and rebuilding relationships with customers and suppliers. He also aims to strengthen the company’s financial position by cutting costs, raising equity, and potentially launching a new aircraft model to compete with Airbus.

Despite the daunting challenges ahead, Ortberg remains optimistic about the future of Boeing. “This is a company with a rich history, a strong brand, and incredibly talented employees,” he says. “I believe we have what it takes to overcome our current challenges and emerge stronger than ever.”

As he navigates the turbulent waters ahead, Ortberg will need to draw on his engineering background, leadership skills, and strategic vision to steer Boeing back on course. The fate of one of the world’s largest aerospace companies hangs in the balance, but with Ortberg at the helm, there is hope for a brighter future for Boeing and the future of commercial air travel.

MEMBACA  Pasar saham akan turun 32% pada tahun 2025 karena The Fed gagal menyelamatkan ekonomi dari resesi, kata perusahaan riset.

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