Bahasa pemrograman terbaik untuk dipelajari: JavaScript, Python, SQL, dan Java menduduki posisi teratas

Learning to code opens the door to a lucrative career in software development, with software developers earning a median annual wage exceeding $127,000 in 2022 and projected to rise by 25% by 2032, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Rod Garcia, VP of engineering at Slack, emphasizes the importance of this skill, stating, “It’s awesome—the way humans can communicate with machines.”

The communication between humans and computers happens through programming languages, which are essential for creating software applications. With hundreds of programming languages to choose from, selecting the right one can shape your journey into the intricate world of code. Some languages, like Python and JavaScript, are in high demand, while others, like LOLCODE, live in relative obscurity.

To help beginners navigate this vast landscape, it’s important to consider your goals, interests, and the specific problem you aim to solve. According to insights provided by industry professionals like Rod Garcia and Stack Overflow’s 2023 Developer Survey, here are four programming languages worth learning:

1. JavaScript: A high-level object-oriented scripting language, JavaScript is essential for creating interactive web pages and back-end solutions. It is versatile and widely used in the industry, making it a great choice for beginners.

2. Python: Known for its robust ecosystem of libraries, Python is popular among developers for its versatility in AI applications, machine learning, and data analysis. It is a valuable language to learn in today’s AI-driven world.

3. SQL: Structured query languages like SQL provide access to data stored within databases, making it essential for data management and retrieval. It is widely used by organizations to organize and retrieve information efficiently.

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4. Java: A popular choice for developers, Java is known for its robustness, cross-platform capabilities, and security features. It is widely used in enterprise organizations for building web applications and managing complex legacy systems.

Ultimately, the best programming language for beginners depends on your specific goals and interests. With resources like online courses, bootcamps, and AI-powered chatbots, learning a new language is becoming easier than ever. Remember, your determination and drive to learn are key factors in mastering a programming language and embarking on a successful career in software development.