Assad mengirim $250 juta uang tunai Suriah ke Moskow

going to be a long game of him staying in power, he needed to find a place where he could park his money and his assets,” Schenker said.

The revelations of Assad’s cash transfers to Russia highlight the complex web of financial dealings that have allowed the Syrian regime to survive despite international sanctions and scrutiny. As the conflict in Syria continues to drag on, with millions displaced and countless lives lost, the regime’s ability to access and move vast sums of money abroad raises questions about accountability and justice for the Syrian people.

It remains to be seen how the international community will respond to these latest revelations of Assad’s financial dealings with Russia. But one thing is clear: as long as Assad and his inner circle continue to enrich themselves at the expense of the Syrian people, the conflict in Syria will continue to be fueled by greed and corruption.

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