Tegangan Meningkat, PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu: Kami Melancarkan Serangan ke Iran!

Jumat, 19 Januari 2024 – 23:00 WIB

Tel Aviv – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday, January 18, 2024, that Israel has directly attacked Iran. He also referred to Iran as an octopus head.

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The prime minister made his comments in response to questions about why Tel Aviv chose to attack Tehran’s “proxies” rather than the Islamic Republic itself. “Who says we don’t attack Iran? We attack Iran,” Netanyahu said at a press conference, quoted from The Cradle, Friday, January 19, 2024.

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Prime Minister (PM) of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu


Abir Sultan/Pool Photo via AP

Meanwhile, Iran accused Israel of directing recent ISIS attacks in the Kerman province, which killed dozens of civilians during the commemoration procession of the late Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani on January 3.

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The missile attack by Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on alleged Mossad bases in the northern Iraqi city of Erbil on January 16 was announced as a response to the ISIS attack during the commemoration procession in Kerman. Three IRGC commanders were also killed in an Israeli attack in Syria in early December 2023.

“Iran still has further phases to go through and I will not go into detail about the path to nuclear weapons. As the Prime Minister of Israel, it is my duty to do everything to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu added in the press conference.

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Israel systematically obstructs efforts to revive the 2015 nuclear agreement between Tehran and Washington since the agreement was canceled by Donald Trump in 2018.

Tel Aviv also has a long history of assassinating IRGC officials and Iranian nuclear scientists, and is behind sabotage efforts at several nuclear facilities in Iran.

“Iran stands behind (Hamas). We are in conflict with Iran. Imagine what Iran can do to destroy us. Iran is an octopus head and you see its tentacles everywhere from the Houthis, Hezbollah, to Hamas,” the Israeli prime minister continued.

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In addition, Israel’s unmanned aircraft attack on the Lebanese capital, Beirut, on January 2, 2024, resulted in the killing of top Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri and several of his colleagues. Hezbollah responded with massive rocket attacks on strategic sites in Israel.

Although expressing support for Operation Flood Al-Aqsa, Tehran firmly denied Israel’s accusations of involvement in planning the attack.

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“Iran still has further phases to go through and I will not go into detail about the path to nuclear weapons. As the Prime Minister of Israel, it is my duty to do everything to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu added in the press conference.