Polisi Mengatur Tes Psikologi bagi Korban Bullying di SMA Binus BSD Tangsel

Polisi Schedule Psychological Testing for Bullying Victims at SMA Binus BSD Tangsel

Selasa, 20 Februari 2024 – 11:14 WIB

Tangerang Selatan – Polres Tangerang Selatan is scheduled to conduct psychological examinations on the victims of bullying at Binus International BSD Serpong High School, South Tangerang City.

Baca Juga :

5 Fakta Penyiksaan Geng Tai Terhadap Siswa SMA Binus Serpong

“Today we have scheduled psychological examinations for the victims,” said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Tangerang Selatan Police, AKP Alvino Cahyadi, on Tuesday, February 20, 2023.

Profil Binus School Serpong yang Terletak di Kawasan BSD Tangerang

Photo :

Situs Resmi Binus School Serpong

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Binus School Pastikan Sanksi Tegas Siswa Yang Terlibat Perundungan

He continued, his team is currently still investigating who the students involved in the bullying are.

“We are still investigating, so far the witnesses who have been examined are from the victim’s side and family,” he said.

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Detik-detik Geng Tai Lakukan Aksi Perundungan, Diduga Anak Vincent Rompies Asyik Tertawakan Korban

As for evidence, the police have managed to secure a video of the bullying acts carried out by several students from the elite school. “For now, the evidence is from the video recording. Later on, there will be some other evidence that we will present,” he explained.

It is known that the bullying incident took place at Binus International BSD Serpong High School, South Tangerang City. Some of the students involved are children of public figures, such as the eldest son of Vincent Ryan Rompies with the initials FLR.

Seorang Siswa SMA Binus Serpong Dipukuli hingga Disundut Rokok

Currently, the parents of the suspected perpetrators are being summoned by the school authorities. One of them is Vincent Rompies.

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