Konferensi Agraria untuk Menyelesaikan Masalah Perencanaan Tata Ruang: Kementerian

Director of land empowerment at the ministry and summit committee chairperson, Dwi Budi Martono, said here on Friday that the event has drawn 523 participants.

The conference, which is being held on June 14–15, 2024, in Bali, will also discuss the agreements declared by nine agencies at last year’s summit.

The agreements include the establishment of working groups and a resolution to settle the legalization of assets on water and small and outermost islands.

It also includes resolutions on settling transmigration land and resolving agrarian conflicts involving state, regional, and state-owned enterprises’ assets controlled by the community.

“As well as to complete the land redistribution after being released from forest areas,” he said.

The summit will also follow up on declarations determined by the previous working groups, he added.

The event will serve as a platform to share the achievements of the 10-year national agrarian reform program from 2014–2024.

On the first day of the summit, the ministry held a discussion and shared details regarding spatial planning problem settlement in the country.

Meanwhile, the peak event of the spatial management forum will be on June 15.

Earlier, Minister of ATR/head of the BPN Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, said that out of the 10 priority programs carried out by his side in 2023, five exceeded the realization goal.

Meanwhile, other programs that were realized included the reformation of access, mapping of land value, and customary land data.

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