Ketahanan Terhadap Api dan Senjata Tajam

Kamis, 18 Januari 2024 – 12:11 WIB

Jakarta – Hubib Bahar and the leader of the Manguni Traditional Organization, Andy Rompas, are getting heated. This is a result of the Bitung tragedy, which seems to have no resolution between these two prominent figures. Hubib Bahar didn’t hesitate to mention Andy Rompas.

Baca Juga:

Habib Bahar Angkat Pedang Tantang Laskar Manguni Andy Rompas

“Manguni Makasiaow, he has a leader in Jakarta named Andy Rompas and I’m searching for him. He’s hiding. He only has tattoos, hiding,” said Hubib Bahar bin Smith, as quoted from a video uploaded by the Twitter account @opposite6892 recently.

Not staying silent, Andy Rompas responded sharply to Hubib Bahar’s statement. Quoting from his personal Facebook account, Andy Rompas expressed his response to the leader of the Tajul Alawiyyin Islamic boarding school.

Baca Juga:

Terpopuler: 2 Negara Islam Berperang, Cek Fakta Habib Bahar Ngamuk Angkat Pedang

The Leader of Tajul Alawiyyin Islamic Boarding School, Habib Bahar bin Smith

“For 40 days, we have been silent due to mourning and being slandered by these radical groups. Raising a sword to provoke Muslims to find me, Andy Rompas. Now it’s time to take action,” wrote Andy Rompas.

Baca Juga:

Bukan Kali Pertama, Ini 5 Fakta Ponpes Habib Bahar Tajul Alawiyyin Diserang OTK

“We don’t want radicalism in Minahasa, not even a bit. Remember that. Hey Bahar bin Smith, don’t just seek attention, I, Andy Rompas, won’t retreat even a bit,” he added.

In addition, in his previous posts, Andy Rompas firmly rejected the presence of radicalism while showing a video. He uploaded a video showing his powers with the Manguni Makasiouw forces.

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In the 3 minutes and 40 seconds long video, Andy Rompas and his troops are seen walking on fire. Not only that, the leader of Manguni also demonstrated his other powers, such as being immune to sharp weapons.

Andy Rompas, Leader of Laskar Manguni


Screenshot: Facebook

Interestingly, several members of Manguni who appeared in the video also have the same power. They were even slashed by Andy Rompas on their bodies, but not a single scratch was seen.

“We uphold the sky and step on the ground. There is no majority or minority in the land of Minahasa, because we are all siblings, except for the kadruns and the radical groups,” wrote Andy Rompas.

“Because we only want to live in harmony and peace, unlike now where police officers have to be present every Christmas,” he concluded.

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In the 3 minutes and 40 seconds long video, Andy Rompas and his troops are seen walking on fire. Not only that, the leader of Manguni also demonstrated his other powers, such as being immune to sharp weapons.