Kepala BPPD Sidoarjo Ari Suryono Langsung Mengenakan Rompi Tahanan KPK Setelah Menjadi Tersangka


Kepala Badan Pelayanan Pajak Daerah (BPPD) Sidoarjo Ari Suryono (AS) has been named a new suspect in the alleged case of employee incentive cuts at BPPD Sidoarjo. Photo/Nur Khabibi

JAKARTA – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has announced and detained the Head of the Regional Tax Service Agency (BPPD) of Sidoarjo, Ari Suryono (AS). He has been designated as a new suspect in the case of alleged cuts to employee incentives at BPPD Sidoarjo.

The suspect was named after his interrogation in his capacity as a suspect on Friday (23/2/2024). KPK Head of Public Relations Ali Fikri stated that the suspect designation is a development from the anti-corruption commission’s sting operation in Sidoarjo on Thursday (25/1/2024).

In the undercover operation, KPK designated the General and Personnel Subsection Head of the Regional Tax Service Agency (BPPD) of Sidoarjo, Siska Wati (SW), as a suspect.

“Subsequently, with this finding, a new investigation was carried out and KPK named and held one individual accountable legally with the suspect status AS, Head of BPPD Sidoarjo,” said Ali during a press conference on the detention at the KPK Red and White Building.

For investigative purposes, the investigative team has detained the suspect AS for the first 20 days. “Starting from February 23 to March 13, 2024 at the KPK Branch Prison,” he said.

For his actions, AS is charged with violating Article 12 letter f of Law Number 31 Year 1999 concerning Corruption Eradication as amended by Law Number 20 Year 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 Year 1999 concerning Corruption Eradication in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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