Budiman Sudjatmiko Terkejut Anies Mengkritik Prabowo Secara Pribadi dalam Debat Ketiga

Senin, 8 Januari 2024 – 10:07 WIB

Jakarta – Budiman Sudjatmiko, Vice Chairman of the Expert Council of the National Campaign Team (TKN) Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming, criticized presidential candidate number one, Anies Baswedan, for attacking personal matters of presidential candidate number two, Prabowo Subianto, during the third debate of the 2024 Presidential Election last night.

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Budiman said Anies seemed to turn the presidential debate into a personal forum. He was puzzled by Anies’ criticism, which was considered unrelated to the performance of the Ministry of Defense.

“Regarding Mr. Anies, I think it’s better for this to become a personal forum. Mr. Anies has personalized several criticisms that have no relation to the performance of the Ministry of Defense. There is no relation to defense issues,” Budiman said to journalists, quoted on Monday, January 8, 2024.

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According to him, there were several attacks launched by Anies against Prabowo. However, once again, these attacks were directed towards personal matters.

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“Yes, there were several remarks he made, but it seems that the weight of the pressure conveyed by Mr. Anies consisted of many personal attacks,” said Budiman. Despite being continuously attacked by Anies, Budiman said Prabowo still answered the questions according to the proper track. For him, Prabowo understood and correctly answered the issues questioned by the moderator.

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“But, I am interested that Mr. Prabowo still tried to stay on track in discussing defense issues, foreign politics, geopolitics, and globalization in his capacity. Not only because he is the Minister of Defense, but also because he is a good reader,” said the former 98 activist.

Furthermore, he expressed his support for his favored presidential candidate. He believed that Prabowo would continue to lead in surveys.

“I think Mr. Prabowo can get through this debate well. Hopefully, this will maintain his advantage in the surveys,” said Budiman.

The third debate was held by the General Election Commission (KPU) last night at Istora Senayan, Jakarta. The three presidential candidates argued and contradicted each other in several sessions during the debate.

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“But, I am interested that Mr. Prabowo still tried to stay on track in discussing defense issues, foreign politics, geopolitics, and globalization in his capacity. Not only because he is the Minister of Defense, but also because he is a good reader,” said the former 98 activist.