2 Petugas KPPS dan 1 Orang Linmas Meninggal Dunia saat Mengamankan Pemilu di Klaten.

Jumat, 16 Februari 2024 – 11:15 WIB

Klaten – Joko Basuki (55), a member of the Polling Station Organizing Group (KPPS) for the 2024 General Elections, passed away while on duty. A sense of mourning enveloped Joko’s house in Tegalrejo Village, Ceper District, Klaten Regency, Central Java, on Thursday night, February 15, 2024.

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M. Ansori, a Commissioner of the KPU Klaten, explained that Joko Basuki was assigned to handle the ink section at Polling Station 11 in Tegalrejo Village. He carried out his duties well in every stage, from the voting process to the vote counting on Wednesday, February 14, 2024.

The KPU Klaten did not expect him to pass away. Because on Thursday, February 15, 2024, in the morning, Joko Basuki had also coordinated with the village authorities. His condition was also good and healthy. According to information from his family, he complained of illness on Thursday afternoon and passed away.

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“The KPU Klaten has received sad news again that one of our family members at Polling Station 11 in Tegalrejo Village, Ceper, named Joko Basuki, has passed away,” said Ansori during a condolence visit at the funeral house, Thursday night, February 15, 2024.

Funeral prayer for the KPPS member in Tegalrejo Village, Ceper District, Klaten Regency, Central Java.

Photo :

tvOne/Indratno Eprilianto

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“We express our condolences for the passing of the KPPS officer. We have also immediately coordinated with the local PPK and PPS to handle the situation as best as possible,” Ansori added.

Ansori stated that up until now, there have been two KPPS officers in Klaten Regency who have passed away. Previously, Dewi Indriyani (43), a KPPS officer at Polling Station 04 in Karangturi Village, Gantiwarno District, passed away in the early hours of Thursday, February 15, 2024.

“Until today, there have been two deaths, namely Mr. Joko Basuki in Ceper and Ms. Dewi in Gantiwarno. Hopefully, there will be no more deaths,” Ansori said.

Iwan Subandi Budiyanto, the Chairman of the Gantiwarno Subdistrict Election Committee (PPK), stated that Dewi Indriyani had a history of illness. Previously, she had been hospitalized.

“On the voting day, she still carried out her duties as a KPPS. During the voting process, she suddenly felt weak and was taken to the hospital. Then I received news that she passed away at the hospital on Thursday, in the early morning hours,” he said.

In addition to the two KPPS officers, one member of the Civil Security Unit (Linmas) named Sardiyanto (43) also passed away. He passed away at his home in Karangpakel Village, Trucuk District, on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, in the morning while preparing to go on duty for the elections.

Trucuk Police Chief AKP Suharto stated that Sardiyanto was found dead in the bathroom of his house. It is suspected that he passed away due to fatigue while on duty. Based on the medical team’s examination, the victim experienced a heart attack.

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Report: tvOne/Indratno Eprilianto

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“Until today, there have been two deaths, namely Mr. Joko Basuki in Ceper and Ms. Dewi in Gantiwarno. Hopefully, there will be no more deaths,” Ansori said.