Jaringan gelap di saku Anda

Approximately nine months ago, during my research for a story, I unexpectedly found myself added to a large Telegram channel focused on selling drugs. This led to me being added to channels about hacking and stolen credit cards as well. I realized that my Telegram settings allowed people to add me to their channels without my consent. Curious to see what would happen, I kept the settings the same, resulting in me being added to 82 different groups within a few months. I eventually changed my settings to prevent this, but now every time I log on, I am bombarded with thousands of messages from numerous highly active illegal groups.

The recent arrest of Telegram’s CEO in France has sparked discussions about the moderation on the platform. Pavel Durov faces charges for suspected complicity in allowing illicit activities such as drug trafficking, fraud, and the dissemination of child sexual abuse images on his site. This incident has highlighted the ongoing issue of criminal behavior on various social networks, a concern that law enforcement has had for years.

My experience being added to these groups revealed a disturbing trend of illegal activities taking place on Telegram. From selling stolen credit cards to drugs and even hacking tutorials, the platform has become a hub for criminal behavior. The anonymity provided by Telegram makes it attractive to criminals, with activities ranging from drug sales to child sexual abuse material being conducted on the platform.

While criminality exists on other platforms as well, Telegram has gained notoriety for its role in facilitating illegal activities. The lack of cooperation with law enforcement and the failure to proactively prevent the spread of child sexual abuse material have drawn criticism towards the platform. Despite claims of industry-standard moderation, Telegram’s approach to policing illegal content and responding to law enforcement requests has been lacking.

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The debate surrounding Telegram’s responsibility in combating illegal activities while respecting freedom of speech continues. The recent arrest of Mr. Durov has raised concerns about the platform’s role in enabling criminal behavior, highlighting the need for a balance between privacy and accountability.