Saat Perang Berlanjut, Warga Gaza Lebih Bersedia untuk Bersuara Menentang Hamas

On October 7, during the Hamas-led attack on Israel, many Palestinians in Gaza took to the streets to celebrate what they viewed as a prison break and a blow to the occupier. However, this boost for Hamas was short-lived, as their support among Gazans has been dwindling. The Israeli onslaught caused widespread devastation and numerous deaths, leading to increased discontent towards Hamas in the enclave.

In interviews with several Gaza residents, it was evident that many held Hamas accountable for starting the war and causing harm to the people of Gaza. Despite primarily blaming Israel, some Gazans were willing to speak out against Hamas, risking retribution. One resident, Raed al-Kelani, criticized Hamas for acting in its own interests and prolonging the conflict for personal gain.

As the war continued, dissent towards Hamas grew, even among those mourning loved ones lost to Israeli attacks. Some waited until leaving Gaza to condemn Hamas, fearing the group’s continued governance. Gauging public opinion in Gaza was challenging, given the displacement of residents, breakdowns in communication, and ongoing military offensives.

Recent surveys indicated mixed or weak support for Hamas among Gazans, with some opposing key leaders. The devastation caused by the war led to increased dissatisfaction with Hamas’s leadership. While Hamas spokesperson Basem Naim claimed at least 50% support, others expressed criticism and called for democratic elections to choose representatives.

Many Gazans believed that Hamas’s desire to cling to power prolonged the conflict with Israel. Hamas insisted on a permanent ceasefire, wary of temporary truces leading to further hostilities. Concerns about future wars and the impact on Gaza’s population raised questions about Hamas’s priorities and governance.

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The delay of Palestinian parliamentary elections and political divisions between Hamas and Fatah hindered democratic processes in Gaza and the West Bank. Some Palestinians expressed a desire for Hamas’s defeat to end the suffering caused by the ongoing conflict. Despite initial support for resistance against Israel, many criticized Hamas for prolonging the war without achieving its goals.