Anies Menyentuh Prabowo Mengenai Pembelian Alutsista Bekas dan Food Estate

Minggu, 7 Januari 2024 – 20:17 WIB

Jakarta – Candidate number 1 for president, Anies Baswedan, took a dig at candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto, regarding the purchase of defense equipment, amidst the rampant hacking incidents.

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Anies, while delivering his vision and mission, explained that Indonesia has been compromised in many aspects, such as the rampant use of drugs, human trafficking, and cybercrime. According to Anies, the ministry that was hacked in 2023 was the Ministry of Defense, which is currently under Prabowo’s leadership.

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Anies Baswedan in the Third Presidential Debate for the 2024 Election

“Ironically, the Ministry of Defense was the ministry that was hacked in 2023. It is an irony, therefore we want to restore the situation, and the budget of 700 trillion rupiah for the Ministry of Defense cannot defend it. Instead, it is used for outdated defense equipment, while more than half of our soldiers do not have official residence, while the minister himself, according to Mr. Jokowi, owns more than 340 hectares of land in this Republic,” he said during the Presidential Debate at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, on Sunday, January 7, 2024.

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In addition, Anies also mentioned the issue of the cassava-based food estate that has not yielded any results and has damaged the environment. “Furthermore, the cassava-based food estate benefits cronies, damages the environment, and does not produce anything,” he said.

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Prabowo Subianto in the Third Presidential Debate for the 2024 Election

“This needs to be changed, you will start a leadership that upholds ethics, a leadership that relies on serious data and information,” he said.

For your information, the debate itself focuses on defense, international relations, globalization, geopolitics, and foreign politics.

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Source: VIVA/M Ali Wafa