BMKG Mengeluarkan Peringatan Dini, Beberapa Wilayah di Banten Siap-siap Menghadapi Hujan Lebat

Jumat, 05 Januari 2024 – 14:14 WIB

Prakiraan cuaca Banten. Foto: Ricardo/JPNN com, SERANG – Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) issued an early warning for three areas in Banten today, Friday (5/1).

Based on information gathered by JPNN Banten, three areas are advised to be cautious.

“Beware of the potential for heavy rain, accompanied by lightning and strong winds in the districts of Tangerang, Lebak, and Pandeglang,” BMKG wrote.

Meanwhile, here is the weather forecast that will occur from noon until early morning in Banten.

“The weather forecast for Lebak District in the afternoon is light rain, while in the evening until early morning it is predicted to be cloudy,” BMKG wrote.

Then the weather forecast for Tangerang City in the afternoon is light rain, while in the evening until early morning it is predicted to be cloudy.

“Meanwhile, the weather forecast for the Serang Raya region in the afternoon is expected to be sprinkled with light rain, while in the evening until early morning it is predicted to be cloudy,” BMKG wrote.

Next, the weather forecast for Cilegon City from afternoon to evening is expected to be sprinkled with light rain, while in the early morning it is predicted to be cloudy.

BMKG delivers weather forecasts for eight districts or cities in the province of Banten today.

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