Musk menyatakan dukungan untuk saingan Reform UK saat perselisihan dalam partai Farage semakin intensif.

Stevenson said: “The party’s activist base is increasingly disillusioned with the direction Nigel Farage is taking Reform. Many feel that the party has strayed too far from its original populist roots and has become too focused on personal vendettas and internal disputes.”

He added that Musk’s potential support for an alternative party could further exacerbate the divisions within Reform and lead to a significant split in the party.

As the power struggle within Reform UK continues, it remains to be seen how the party will navigate these challenges and whether a new alternative party will emerge with the backing of Elon Musk.

Farage dan Yusuf telah membersihkan puluhan kandidat dan staf, yang dalam beberapa kasus mengarah pada tindakan hukum.

“Kami semua dipimpin untuk percaya bahwa ini adalah partai akar rumput tetapi sekarang digantikan oleh orang-orang yang memiliki uang atau adalah teman dari pimpinan partai,” kata Stevenson.

Penyelidikan tambahan oleh Joe Miller di Washington dan Lucy Fisher di London

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