Saya Melihat Ponsel Sangat Tipis di Mana-mana di MWC 2025. Tapi Apakah Orang Benar-benar Menginginkannya?

At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, among the sea of humanoid robots and futuristic displays, a stand draws a crowd with a remarkably slim phone concept. Tecno’s Spark Slim phone, measuring just 5.75mm thick and weighing only 146 grams, captures the attention of eager attendees. The sleek design of this handset, along with similar offerings from Samsung, Oppo, and potentially Apple, signals a trend towards thinner phones in the market.

While a thinner phone may seem appealing, there are drawbacks to consider. A smaller battery, reduced camera quality, and limited storage space are compromises that come with slimming down devices. Samsung’s past experience with the Galaxy Note 7 highlights the importance of maintaining durability and essential features in pursuit of a thinner design.

As more companies embrace the thin phone trend to differentiate themselves in a competitive market, consumer preferences play a crucial role. In regions like China, slim premium devices have gained popularity, while their reception in other parts of the world remains uncertain. Apple’s potential release of a thinner iPhone could help the company stand out amidst its own product lineup.

Looking ahead, the future of slim phones is uncertain. While the appeal of a sleek design is undeniable, whether thin phones will become a standard feature or remain a niche offering is yet to be seen. As technology evolves, what was once considered revolutionary may eventually become the norm, while new trends emerge to capture consumer interest. Tren menuju ponsel yang lebih tipis mengingatkan pada popularitas Razr asli Motorola, yang menjadi fenomena budaya populer saat dirilis pada tahun 2004 karena bentuknya yang ramping, bentuk yang unik, dan tren (siapa yang tidak ingin ponsel pink panas seperti punya Paris Hilton??). Motorola telah bekerja untuk merebut kembali semangat zaman itu dengan menghidupkan kembali lini ponsel Razr dalam bentuk smartphone lipat.

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Kembali ke masa kini, meskipun ponsel tipis tidak menjadi tren utama, itu mungkin tidak begitu buruk, Popal menyarankan.

“Saya akan berpendapat, mengapa Anda ingin membuatnya menjadi norma? Biarkan tetap menjadi sesuatu yang khas, biarkan tetap premium,” katanya. “Semakin cepat itu menjadi norma, semakin cepat profitabilitasnya berkurang.”

Dan semakin cepat kerumunan bergerak untuk berkumpul di sekitar hal besar (atau ramping) berikutnya.

Tonton ini: Tampilan Pertama di Samsung’s Surprise Galaxy S25 Edge


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