Dampak Buruk

Samkelo and Siphesile were among the many who benefited from Pepfar. But now, with the sudden halt in US aid, their futures were uncertain. As they sat in Samkelo’s room, smoking cigarettes and contemplating their next move, they knew they were not alone in their struggle.

The impact of Trump’s executive order was far-reaching, affecting millions of lives all over the world. The fight against HIV/AIDS, which had made significant progress in recent years, was now facing a major setback. Without access to the life-saving medication they needed, people like Samkelo and Siphesile were left with few options.

But as they sat together, facing an uncertain future, they found strength in each other. They knew they couldn’t give up, not when they had come so far. And so, they made a pact to fight for their lives, for each other, and for all those who were affected by the devastating consequences of Trump’s decision.

As they took a deep breath and prepared to face the challenges ahead, they knew that they had each other. And with that knowledge, they found the courage to keep fighting, to keep hoping, and to keep believing that they would find a way to survive, no matter what obstacles stood in their way. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he knelt before the altar, feeling the weight of his diagnosis crushing him. The priest, a kind man with wise eyes, placed a hand on his shoulder and offered words of comfort and hope. Samkelo clung to those words, knowing that he now faced a battle against a virus that had once seemed unbeatable.

As he left the church that day, a sense of determination settled in his heart. He would not let HIV define him or defeat him. He would fight, he would seek treatment, and he would live. And so, Samkelo began his journey towards acceptance, towards resilience, towards a future where HIV was just a part of his story, not the end of it. They were protesting the high cost of antiretroviral drugs, which were out of reach for most South Africans living with HIV at the time. They demanded that the South African government provide affordable treatment for all those in need. The protest was a turning point in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the country.

Today, South Africa has the largest antiretroviral treatment programme in the world, providing medication to millions of people living with HIV. But the recent aid freezes imposed by the Trump administration have put this progress at risk. Without the support of international donors, organisations like Shout-It-Now are struggling to continue their life-saving work.

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For Samkelo, Ntombifikile Mtshali, and countless others affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa, the uncertainty caused by the aid freezes is a harsh reminder of the challenges they face. As they navigate the legal and bureaucratic hurdles, they continue to fight for their right to access essential healthcare services. The words of Psalm 91 may offer comfort and hope, but it is the actions of individuals and organisations on the ground that will make a real difference in the lives of those affected by this devastating disease.

As Samkelo sat there, his mind raced with worry. The uncertainty of the situation was overwhelming. Would he be able to continue his treatment? Would he be able to stay healthy? The thought of going back to the days before treatment, when HIV was a death sentence, filled him with dread.

He knew he couldn’t give up. He had to keep fighting, keep advocating for himself and others like him. The battle against HIV was far from over, and the recent cuts to foreign aid only made the fight harder.

But Samkelo found strength in the words of his friend Hajo. Knowing that there were others out there, facing the same struggles, gave him hope. He knew he wasn’t alone in this fight.

As he sat there, with the rain still pouring outside, Samkelo made a silent vow to himself. He would not let this setback defeat him. He would keep pushing forward, keep fighting for his right to treatment, and keep advocating for those who couldn’t speak for themselves.

And with that determination burning in his heart, Samkelo stood up, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The fight was far from over, but he was ready to continue the battle.


These scenes from around the world highlight the impact of the recent funding suspension by the US government on various vulnerable populations. From struggling news outlets in Russia to migrant shelters in Colombia and university students in Egypt, the consequences of this decision are far-reaching and deeply concerning. The individuals and organizations affected are now facing uncertainty and challenges in their daily lives, with no clear resolution in sight. As they navigate this difficult period, it is important for us to recognize and support their resilience and determination to overcome these obstacles.

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Sebanyak 50 siswa yang telah ditawari tempat untuk memulai studi pada bulan Februari di bawah program beasiswa sekarang harus mencari alternatif.

Secara nasional, pemerintah Mesir telah turun tangan untuk menutupi biaya hingga akhir tahun akademik bagi sekitar 900 siswa yang dibiayai oleh USAID untuk belajar di universitas-universitas Mesir, mengatakan bahwa pemerintah “akan tetap berkomitmen untuk mendukung mereka dalam menghadapi tantangan di masa depan”.

Heba Saleh adalah koresponden FT di Kairo

Di Liberia, Kabupaten Sinoe, di mana hutan hujan tropis sangat lebat, penduduk telah mengandalkan penebangan kayu sebagai sumber penghasilan selama beberapa dekade. Penebangan kayu ilegal, pekerjaannya melelahkan, dan uang yang didapat sedikit, namun warga tetap menebang pohon dan mengubahnya menjadi arang untuk dijual. Bahkan penebangan kayu sebagian mendanai pasukan pemberontak selama perang saudara merusak yang pecah pada tahun 1989 dan berlangsung hampir satu dekade.

Pada bulan November lalu, sebuah LSM Amerika yang disebut GiveDirectly meluncurkan proyek uji coba untuk mendorong penduduk untuk berhenti menebang kayu, dengan memberikan transfer tunai langsung, yang didanai dengan bantuan dari pemerintah Irlandia. Alih-alih memberikan ceramah kepada orang miskin tentang pentingnya alam, GiveDirectly akan menawarkan pembayaran kepada orang-orang yang tinggal di sekitar hutan sebagai imbalan untuk melestarikan pohon-pohon tersebut. Individu-individu ini sebagian besar berada di luar jaring pengaman sosial pemerintah.

GiveDirectly mengandalkan pendanaan dari USAID untuk memperluas proyek ini, dengan infus dana sebesar $5 juta yang direncanakan. Tujuannya adalah untuk memperluasnya ke utara Liberia. USAID sebelumnya telah bermitra dengan GiveDirectly dalam berbagai proyek di negara tersebut, tetapi pembekuan oleh Trump meninggalkan proyek tersebut dengan masa depan yang tidak pasti dan LSM tersebut sedang berjuang mencari pendana pengganti.

Saya berbicara dengan seorang pekerja di sektor tersebut yang mengatakan bahwa dampaknya paling terasa bagi staf lokal. “Ada orang yang menghasilkan $1.000 sebulan, yang merupakan jumlah yang cukup baik di bagian dunia ini, yang tidak hanya memiliki keluarga inti yang harus diurus tetapi juga memiliki tanggungan di luar keluarga tersebut. Banyak dari orang-orang ini akan kehilangan pekerjaan dan akan berdampak pada kesejahteraan masyarakat dan upaya pengurangan kemiskinan,” kata pekerja tersebut, yang meminta namanya tidak disebutkan. “Jangan salah, industri kami saat ini dalam keadaan fluktuasi.”

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Aanu Adeoye adalah koresponden Afrika Barat FT

Di India, protes di Delhi dimulai ketika India muncul dalam pos tanggal 16 Februari di X oleh Departemen Efisiensi Pemerintah Elon Musk (Doge) yang mencantumkan program yang dibiayai oleh pajak, “semuanya telah dibatalkan”. Di antara yang tampaknya akan dipotong adalah $21 juta untuk mempromosikan “partisipasi pemilih di India”.

Kabar tentang uang pemerintah AS untuk proyek terkait pemilihan menjadi sorotan. Di lingkaran pemerintah, kemarahan bukanlah terhadap kehilangan pendanaan, tetapi pada gagasan bahwa itu sebenarnya ada. India memiliki batasan ketat terkait pendanaan asing, termasuk dari USAID. Ketakutan akan “tangan asing” ikut campur dalam politik selalu ada. Menulis di X, Amit Malviya, kepala departemen IT yang mengelola kehadiran online yang kuat dari partai nasionalis penguasa Bharatiya Janata, menggambarkan keberadaan pendanaan tersebut sebagai bukti “campur tangan eksternal dalam proses pemilihan India”.

“Jelas sebagian dari dana ini digunakan untuk hal-hal yang meragukan dan dapat dikualifikasi sebagai campur tangan politik,” kata Sanjeev Sanyal, penasihat ekonomi Perdana Menteri Narendra Modi, yang vokal dalam mengkritik USAID. “Minta pemerintah AS untuk tolong beritahu kami uang ini sebenarnya digunakan untuk apa.”

Donald Trump memancing emosi dengan komentar seperti “18 juta dolar untuk membantu India dengan pemilihannya”, saat berbicara di Konferensi Aksi Politik Konservatif pekan lalu, dalam komentar yang bertentangan dengan klaim sebelumnya sebesar $21 juta. “Kenapa sial?”

Sedikit dari orang-orang yang menimbulkan keresahan mampu menunjukkan secara pasti untuk apa uang tersebut seharusnya digunakan atau kemana uang itu sebenarnya ditujukan. Sementara itu, kubu politik rival di India terus berselisih mengenai dana khayalan tersebut.

Jairam Ramesh, sekretaris jenderal Kongres untuk komunikasi, melacak data anggaran yang menunjukkan tujuh program USAID dalam bidang pangan, kesehatan, sanitasi dan kebersihan, dan bidang lainnya. Tidak satupun yang mencakup partisipasi pemilih. Malviya, juru bicara BJP, membalas, menegaskan bahwa “pendanaan kontroversial USAID” “dialirkan melalui berbagai jalur terkait George Soros dan labirin struktur NGO” untuk campur tangan dalam proses pemilihan India. “Sekarang jelas siapa yang menjadi penerima manfaat,” katanya.

John Reed adalah kepala kantor FT Asia Selatan di Delhi

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