Sekte AS Kristen mendorong wanita untuk menyerahkan bayi untuk diadopsi

BBC image from several decades ago shows Melanie Williams, Dr. Wally Baldwin, and Deb Adadjo. Former members of a secretive Christian sect in the United States have revealed to the BBC that they were forced by the church to give up their children for adoption between the 1950s and 1990s. Some of the adopted children within the church have reported experiencing abuse and neglect in their adoptive families.

Last year, the BBC conducted an investigation into allegations of child sexual abuse spanning decades within the church, known as The Truth or the Two by Twos, which has up to 100,000 members worldwide. The FBI has initiated an investigation into the matter. This story may contain distressing details.

Several women, who were unmarried at the time, shared their experiences of being pressured to give up their babies. Three of them feared being expelled from the church and condemned to hell if they refused. One woman recounted being coerced into giving her baby to a married couple in the church after being raped at the age of 17 in 1988.

Dr. Wally Baldwin, who passed away in 2004, oversaw adoptions for The Truth. The adopted children, known as “Baldwin Babies,” were born across the US. Some of the adopted individuals have reported instances of abuse in their adoptive families.

The church, founded in Ireland in 1897, operates without an official leader. The BBC contacted six senior officials known as “overseers” for comment but received only one response. Some individuals connected with the church have fond memories of Dr. Baldwin, while others believe the church should take responsibility for the trauma caused by the adoptions.

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Women like Melanie, Deb, and Sherlene have spoken out about feeling pressured to give up their babies for adoption by the church. The adoption system involved minimal vetting, leading to potential abusive situations for the adopted children. Reports of child sexual abuse within the church have prompted former and current members to connect and share their stories.

If you have been affected by any of the issues in this story, you can seek support through the BBC Action Line.

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