Sebelum pemilihan AS, pengacara berseteru atas tuduhan pelanggaran etika oleh Reuters

The legal battles surrounding the 2020 election and the upcoming 2024 election continue to highlight the role of lawyers in shaping the democratic process. Advocacy groups like the 65 Project and America First Legal are actively engaging in filing ethics complaints against lawyers involved in election-related litigation.

The 65 Project, named after the number of unsuccessful lawsuits filed to challenge President Joe Biden’s win, is targeting lawyers who brought false election claims in 2020. They aim to deter lawyers from engaging in similar behavior in the future. On the other hand, America First Legal, founded by former Trump aide Stephen Miller, accuses the 65 Project of trying to intimidate conservative lawyers.

The legal battles are ongoing, with some lawyers facing disciplinary action while others continue to represent Trump allies in voting-related litigation. Despite setbacks in court, Trump and his allies continue to push for changes in election rules and voter rolls, claiming to prevent fraud.

Lawyers like Erick Kaardal, who have been involved in challenging election results, have faced complaints and court losses. The role of lawyers in shaping election outcomes and ensuring the integrity of the democratic process remains crucial, as legal battles continue to play out in the lead-up to the 2024 election.

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