Muslim Bergabung dengan Pejuang Buddha dan Kristen untuk Menggulingkan Militer Myanmar | Berita Konflik

In the lush, rolling hills of southern Myanmar’s Tanintharyi region, rebel fighters from the “Muslim Company” of the Karen National Union (KNU) inspect vehicles at checkpoints as they make their way towards a town still under the control of the Myanmar military. These rebels, part of the 3rd Company of Brigade 4 in the KNU, are fighting for democracy in Myanmar, despite being a minority group within the predominantly Christian and Buddhist armed group. With their story largely unknown, Al Jazeera visited the company’s headquarters, hidden in the mountains of southern Myanmar, to shed light on their unique contribution to the conflict. The leader of the Muslim Company, Mohammed Eisher, emphasized the importance of unity among the diverse ethnic groups in the region in their fight against the military regime. The soldiers of 3rd Company, known as the “Muslim Company”, observe their faith by praying at the mosque in their main camp and fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. Despite facing discrimination and violence in the past, the inclusion of the Muslim Company in the anti-military forces demonstrates the inclusive nature of the current revolution in Myanmar. The history of Muslim resistance in Myanmar dates back to the formation of the Kawthoolei Muslim Liberation Front in KNU-held territory in the 1980s. The Muslim Company, formerly known as the All Burma Muslim Liberation Army, has been fighting against the military for decades, with the hope of achieving freedom for all peoples of Burma. The diverse composition of 3rd Company, including Buddhist and Christian members, reflects the unity and acceptance within the group as they continue their struggle for democracy in Myanmar.

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