Pertempuran sengit Ukraina untuk mempertahankan kota timur Potrovsk

Imogen Anderson from the BBC reports that Oleksandr, the head of a medical unit for the Ukrainian army’s 25th Brigade, expresses concern over the inability to stabilize the front line. He describes it as the most dangerous of all front lines due to the intense push from the Russian Federation. The field unit near Pokrovsk, a once bustling city now deserted by most of its population, has been treating a record number of injured soldiers. The casualties are brought in after dusk to avoid attacks from armed Russian drones.

The soldiers, injured in the battle to defend Pokrovsk, are brought in for treatment at this secret location. The rapid advance of Russian forces in the Donetsk region has heightened the intensity of the fighting. The medics at the field unit work tirelessly to treat the wounded, with some soldiers arriving in critical condition.

The threat of Russian drones looms over the city, making evacuations and medical treatment challenging. The remaining residents of Pokrovsk live in fear, with many expressing a desire for the war to end through negotiations. The toll of the prolonged conflict is evident in the eroded morale of the people we meet.

Despite the devastation and fear, there are those who remain in Pokrovsk, working to repair the war-damaged infrastructure. Their dedication to the cause is driven by a sense of duty and a desire for victory over the advancing Russian forces. However, others question the worth of the territory being fought over, lamenting the loss of young lives in the conflict.

As the conflict continues to escalate, the people of Pokrovsk grapple with uncertainty and fear for the future. The once vibrant city now stands as a ghost town, its streets lined with reminders of the fierce battle being fought on its doorstep.

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