Bagaimana China Telah Merampas Wilayah Nepal

The Chinese border fence carves a path through the Himalayas, dividing Tibet from Nepal with barbed wire and concrete walls. In this remote and isolated region, China’s surveillance cameras monitor the area alongside armed guards in watchtowers.

Atop the Tibetan Plateau, a 600-foot-long message declaring “Long live the Chinese Communist Party” is etched into a hillside, visible even from space. However, residents in Nepal’s Humla District claim that China is encroaching on Nepali territory at various points along the border.

Tensions rise as Chinese security forces pressure ethnic Tibetan Nepalis to refrain from displaying images of the Dalai Lama near the border. The influx of Tibetan refugees fleeing to Nepal has drastically reduced due to increased Chinese defenses and barriers.

Despite evidence of border abuses in Humla, Nepali leaders have chosen to ignore the issue, reluctant to jeopardize their economic ties with China. The Chinese fortification network, stretching thousands of miles, is part of Xi Jinping’s efforts to assert control over remote regions, challenge territorial boundaries, and expand into disputed territories.

The escalating border conflicts have drawn global attention, with the U.S. Department of Defense warning of China’s aggressive actions in the Indo-Pacific region. Weaker nations like Nepal face immense pressure from China’s dominance, leading to a reluctance to address border disputes for fear of economic repercussions.

Nepal’s government has been hesitant to acknowledge China’s encroachments, with a top-secret report detailing border infringements disappearing without public disclosure. Despite the urgent need to address border disputes with China, the lack of joint inspections and stalled bilateral mechanisms have hindered progress in resolving the issues.

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As Nepal navigates its delicate relationship with China, the fate of the border disputes remains uncertain, with the potential for further escalation as China continues to assert its dominance in the region.

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