Apakah Google akan dipecah?

and his administration launched a series of investigations into Big Tech companies, including Google. The Biden administration has continued this trend, with a focus on promoting competition and addressing anticompetitive practices in the tech industry.

The outcome of the Google antitrust case will have far-reaching implications not only for Google and its business practices but also for the broader tech industry. It could set a precedent for how other tech giants, such as Facebook and Amazon, are regulated in the future.

Ultimately, the goal of the antitrust case against Google is to promote competition, protect consumers, and ensure a level playing field in the digital marketplace. The remedies proposed by the DoJ will be closely scrutinized, and the final decision by Judge Mehta will shape the future of online search and advertising.

As Google continues to face legal challenges and regulatory scrutiny, the tech landscape is evolving rapidly with the rise of new technologies and competitors. The outcome of the Google antitrust case will be a key milestone in the ongoing debate over the power and influence of Big Tech companies in the digital economy.

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